Manage Your Storage As A Service With Nodeum

Nodeum Announces New Release 1.84

Written by Jessica Delage | 01.23.2020


To learn how these enhancements help you to manage your storage and your data management, discover each items in details.


With this workflow, you protect your data stored in S3 compatible Object Storage and also in Public Cloud to Magnetic Tapes. Nodeum help you to structure and organize your data flow.



Export Report - PDF and CSV 
You can now export the reporting in pdf or csv. Almost all tables contents can be exported in CSV or PDF. We went even further in provide table column selection panel to optimize the content reading.
Launch the RESTful API v2 version. First API Web Services already use this new Version. Leverage the usage of SwaggerHub for API management and documentation. Have a look on the new API call available.

Ansible Offline Deployment 

In addition to the standard lightweight product package, we also provide an all-in-one package including the product and all of the dependencies. This answer the case where you have to deploy the product without an internet connection.

User Interface Improvement

Continuous improvement of the user interface to facilitate the product usage, and enhance the adoption in connecting the data management with the end-user pipeline workflows.



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