Exponential growth of data volumes put any company at risk ....
- You can’t lose any data.
- You must secure and protect the data from many different threats.
- Backup Window too tight.
- You waste more time to find back and access data.
- Increased storage complexity and decreased efficiency...
Is it possible to avoid those issues in a cost-efficient manner ? Yes… but you need to solve 3 types of problems…
First problem to solve is a trade-off one
- Some solutions are good to store, archive and protect data.
- Other solutions are better to find and access data.
Second problem is to care for your end-users AND your IT OPS
- “End-users” want to access their data directly without any special requests.
- IT OPS want a self-service model for not being always in the loop and “blamed” for delays.
Third problem is the most critical one
- Nobody wants storage “silos”.
- Nobody wants technical lock-in.
Any seamless / all-in-one solution share these characteristics
- Run on commodity hardware and are vendor agnostic.
- Use an easy, highly scalable catalog.
- Create the metadata you need to automate your workflows.
- Add any storage in a simple, effective way.
- Use open API’s so you can manage your data on flash, disks, tapes or clouds.
In summary, you have 2 options :
1. You don’t make the right trade-offs and the risks are real :
- Having silos
- Dissatisfied teams
- Budget overruns
- Increased complexity
- …
2. On the contrary, if you unify your storage ecosystem, you will have the best of both words :
- More productivity
- More flexibility
- Less costs
- More workflow automation possibilities
- More collaborative teams
- …
These informations help you ? Need more informations, let us know and comments this blog.