Connect Production Pipelines & Business Workflows with your storage
- Linux
- Docker
- MacOS
- Windows
Nodeum's deployment request a RHEL family Operating System.
ND client is cross-platform bash client (compatible with MacOS, Linux and Windows). The bash client executes Data Management operations through Nodeum solution.
Follow the process described below or contact us for more details.
Nodeum Business | Entreprise
$ wget https://get.nodeum.io/public/nodeum-version.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf nodeum-version.tar.gz
$ cd vx-yy-zz
$ yum install python3-pip
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip
$ pip3 install ansible
$ pip3 install jinja2 --upgrade
$ pip3 install netaddr --upgrade
$ ansible-playbook check_install.yml
$ ansible-playbook install.yml
Nodeum Enterprise Plus
$ yum remove python3
$ yum install python38
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip
$ pip3 install ansible
$ pip3 install jinja2 --upgrade
$ pip3 install netaddr --upgrade
$ wget https://get.nodeum.io/public/nodeum-version.tar.gz
$ tar -xvzf nodeum-v2-xx-yy-zzzzzzzz.tar.gz
$ cd v2-yy-zz
$ yum install python3-pip
$ mv ./inventory/ ~/nodeum/
Note: before to launch the playbook, if you need to deploy as cluster architecture you need to configure the options file accordingly to the architecture guide
$ ansible-playbook check_install.yml
$ ansible-playbook install.yml
ND Client for Enterprise Plus
$ wget -O nd https://get.nodeum.io/public/nd-2.xx.yy-linux-amd64
$ chmod +x nd
$ wget -O nd.rpm https://get.nodeum.io/public/nd-2.xx.yy-x86_64.rpm
$ dnf install ./nd.rpm
$ wget -O nd.deb https://get.nodeum.io/public/nd-2.x.y-amd64.deb
$ apt install ./nd.deb
Nodeum's deployment through Docker Image requires a Linux based Operating System, running Docker service.
Follow the process described below or contact us for more details.
Nodeum Enterprise Plus
Retrieve docker images
$ wget https://get.nodeum.io/public/nodeum-docker-composer-version.tar.gz
Load docker images
$ docker load -i data-management.tgz
$ docker load -i web.tgz
$ docker load -i fluentd.tgz
Start with docker compose
$ docker compose up --detach
Notes: If the server doesn't have internet access, some images must be pulled and loaded manually.
Run on client with Internet access
$ docker image pull mariadb:10.6
$ docker image pull mongo:4.4
$ docker image pull redis:6.2.6
$ docker image pull quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.5.8
$ docker image save mariadb:10.6 mongo:4.4 redis:6.2.6 quay.io/coreos/etcd:v3.5.8 | gzip > services.tgz
Run on client without Internet access
$ docker load -i services.tgz
ND client is cross-platform bash client (compatible with MacOS, Linux and Windows). The bash client executes Data Management operations through Nodeum solution.
Follow the process described below or contact us for more details.
ND Client for Enterprise Plus
$ wget -O nd https://get.nodeum.io/public/nd-2.x.y-darwin-amd64
$ chmod +x nd
ND client is cross-platform bash client (compatible with MacOS, Linux and Windows). The bash client executes Data Management operations through Nodeum solution.
Follow the process described below or contact us for more details.
ND Client for Enterprise Plus
PS> Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://get.nodeum.io/public/nd-2.x.y-windows-amd64" -OutFile