Quantum invites Nodeum to present our Data Management Solution implemented into University of Rostock.
Join our upcoming webinar on Tuesday, June 21 to :
Hear from Malte Willert, project manager for the introduction of Nodeum, about the challenges the IT and Media Center Department are facing to manage storage and archive of around 17.000 students and staff members.
See how Nodeum & Quantum solve their challenges of protection and archiving in providing a technology and media break solution.
- Discover how Nodeum can help teams in similar Data Management processes.
10:00 Uhr - Begrüßung
10:00 Uhr - Begrüßung
10:05 Uhr - Erfahrungsbericht von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung: Universität Rostock
10:25 Uhr - Diskussionsrunde (Quantum, Nodeum, Universität Rostock)
10:35 Uhr - Fragerunde
SAVE THE DATE : 21. Juni 2022