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Jessica Delage11.30.20202 min read

Nodeum Announces New Release 1.88


To learn how these enhancements help you to manage your storage and your data management, discover each items in details.

This new version includes different main features such as :

  1. Encryption with SSE support for S3 Storage
  2. Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Connector
  3. Basket integration in Catalog
  4. Toolbox for Reference File Parser, File List Comparison
  5. File Erasing : New Workflow
  6. Parallelization Stream (S3 and NAS)
Nodeum allows the usage of the three type of Amazon's Server-Side Encryption: SSE-S3, SSE-C or SSE-KMS.
  1. SSE-S3 uses Amazon S3-managed encryption keys
  2. SSE-C uses customer-provided encryption keys
  3. SSE-KMS uses the master key which you manage in AWS KMS
Server-side encryption is about protecting data at rest, its encrypts only the object data, not object metadata.


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Product Feature - Encryption S3 SSE-C




Wasabi Hot Cloud Storage Connector

Now use the connector Wasabi for your Wasabi hot Cloud Storage. We understand the need of acceleration of Cloud adoptions. It is why the solution incorpored a dedicated Nodeum S3 Connector for helping any customer to manage easily Wasabi Buckets.

This connector is available for all Nodeum workflows (Migration, Archive and Protection).

Basket Integration in Catalog
Search and select any files located anywhere in your storage. Select them and create directly a data workflow with this source of data. All catalog filter and selection are available to find and select the files you want to add in the basket.



parser - slide 2

Reference File Parser 

The reference file parser analyze content of structure indexed files. The solution supports XML file from Final Cut Pro and CatDV. Others supported formats will be available in further release or on demand.

The feature analyze this list search after presence of included files into Nodeum catalog. The feature allows to execute directly an operation of data archiving or recovery based on this list of files.

File List Comparison

Are you looking for a solution to compare two similar list of files ? Would you never looked after a solution to compare two list of MD5 checksum and validate that these are the same ? Today, Nodeum embedded this as a feature and allows the comparison of two CSV files and make the verification between both files. 

File Comparison





File Erasing is now available in any workflow

GDPR introduces a right to have individual data erased. The right to erasure is also known as 'the right to be forgotten'. This is even more important in data management software to allow the deletion of specific files from data archive or data protection storages. Nodeum can provide the file erasing in any workflow, this can be schedule on demand or automatically. Example if you have to delete files that are older than 20 years ; you are sure that they will be deleted.



Parallelization Stream (S3 and NAS)

To accelerate the speed on small files, set the parallelization streams optimization in any workflows linked to NAS and S3 storage. The file batching parameters can be changed to adjust the scalability in term of number of files that will proceed in each batch.






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