Data Tiering

Data Management between any type of storage (NAS, Object / Public Storage, Tape Library)


In many organizations, data do not have the same requirement in term of accessibility. Each users are different and generate their data with their own lifecycle. Today, most of IT departments manage all these data on the same way and apply similar storage and archiving policies.

The main reasons are due to staff limitations and legacy technology usage.

This has an impact on the storage cost (which increase very quickly), on the performance (which drop) and the scalability is limited. The most important is that drive limitation on the decision making and business.

It is why Data Tiering is a requirement in organization where data are growing fast, from Terabytes, to Petabytes and now even Exabytes. It’s very common that multiple end-users need to ask the IT OPS to retrieved archived or protected data.

Data Tiering

Data Mobility

Storage Mobility

Data mobility ensures that data is available at the right place for the right cost.

It also eliminates common storage constraints in keeping a unique and transparent data access for any end users within an organisation.

The need for data mobility has now exploding for two reasons :

  • Digital Data information are growing very fast in all organisations.
  • IT transformation introduces purchase of new storage equipments : SAN - NAS - Object - Cloud - Tapes, reflecting the need for more and more capacity.
Nodeum - Storage Motion
non HSM
Gain to use new Storage Data Management process
  • Organisations will increase their efficiency with storage motion

  • Increase the data mobility.

  • Hardware upgrades are non-disruptive,

  • and more storage capacity can be managed with fewer resources. 

  • Reporting and analysis become simpler, enabling easier compliance with SLAs.

How Data Tiering Works ?



Policy-Based Data Movements

Eliminate standard storage architecture. Currently, most of data stored does not reflect data aging or accessibility requirements, which raises costs and diminishes agility.


Data Analytics

AI & content indexation are the pillars to determine what data are the most used by end-users. This engine drive the data management based on the file metadata.


Data Accessibility

Accessing data with simplicity is what organizations are looking for when they produce large volume of business related data. Solution simplify the access by providing a single transparent file system on top of multiple storages.


Data Tiering

Key Benefits for your Organization

  • Increase of efficiency with storage motion,
  • Reduction of vendor locking,
  • Hardware upgrades are non-disruptive any more,
  • More storage capacity can be managed with fewer resources,
  • Reporting and analysis become simpler, enabling easier compliance with SLAs.

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